22 November 2023 - 24 November 2023
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
UZPRODEXPO, which will be held for the 18th time in Tashkent, the capital and trade center of Uzbekistan, is one of the most important fair organizations in the field of food, food additives and beverages in the country. UZPRODEXPO, which is realized with the support of the country’s important unions and organizations, especially the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, provides the opportunity to enter the market with a population of 32 million.
Exhibitor Profile
Meat and Fish products, Dairy and daily consumption products, Oils and fats, Pastry equipment, Prepared foods and frozen foods, Printing and printing technologies, Labeling technologies, Dessert and pastry products, Baby foods, Dietary foods, Fruits and Vegetables, Fruit juices, Food packaging, Packaging machines, and Protective products
Participant Countries
Ukraine, Russia, China, Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, and Belarus