Is Market Suitable For You?
It is in your best interest to do the necessary research and choose fairs whose locations and times are determined according to the needs of your sector. The development of international trade volume, customs and import-export regulations and the market situation of your sector should also be examined within this scope. You should do a little preliminary research for the market you want to open.

What is the exhibitor profile?
The product groups (Exhibitor Profile) that will be exhibited at the fairs you will attend are an issue you should pay attention to. Especially in specialized fairs, the participation of the audience you will address as a visitor depends on this issue. This issue, which is one of the most common reasons for wrong fair choices, should not be overlooked. The correct and solid step you will take into that market is as important as choosing the market.

Why still trade exhibitions?
Exhibitions are places where the first products and the latest technologies, which are the result of meticulous work and great effort, are exhibited. Due to these features, fairs are a mirror of economic and social life as well as an indicator of foreign economic relations. Although fairs were previously classified as ‘sales development’ activities, they are now considered as a separate communication tool. Communication is essentially the process of exchanging information. This process is first-hand and direct at fairs. Fairgrounds are places where information exchange is actively experienced.