12 February 2018 - 15 February 2018
Tehran, Iran
Iran Baiex, the most important specialized fair in this sector in Iran, started with a delegation visit that included many high-level officials. We can say that Iran will have a very large market when the embargo is lifted soon. In order to enter this market, Turkey needs to establish commercial relations with Iran now. The rapid increase in trade between Iran and Turkey after the Preferential Trade Agreement signed between Iran and Turkey entered into force on January 1, 2015 is an indication that important steps have been taken in this regard.
Exhibitor Profile
Bitumen, Asphalt and Insulation Products and Machines Bitumen, Asphalt and Insulation Transport and Packaging Machines All Refinery Units and Bitumen Emulsifiers Bitumen Exporters Bitumen, Asphalt, Insulation Laboratory Materials Raw Materials, Additives and Enhancers Bitumen Protective, Lacquer, Repair, Filling Materials Nano Technology Products and Services in Related Sectors Insulation Materials and Technologies Software and Hardware Products and Services
Participant Countries
Türkiye, Germany, Iran, France, India, China, Russia